BSNL Q3 Results: Revival for BSNL! After 17 years of profit.

BSNL Q3 Results: Revival for BSNL! After 17 years of profit.

Bharat Sanchare Nigam Limited (BSNL) announced the results of the October-December quarter (Q3Fy25) for the financial year 2024-25. This public sector telecom services company announced for the first time since 2007. As a result, this huge telecom company, which has emerged today, is expected to be revised.

BSNL Q3 Results ..

Telecom Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia has responded to BSNL’s benefit after 17 years. Telecom legend’s quarterly performance focused on providing services and expanding the number of customers, described as a “significant twist”. He said that BSNL has increased mobility, FTTH and leased line service offers by 14-18 percent.

The number of BSNL customers increased from Rs 8.4 crore to nine crore in June.

Scindia said, “BSNL Today and India’s Telecom visit in India today. BSNL registered a profit in the third quarter of the financial year 2024-25. BSNL registered a quarterly profit in 2007.”

BSNL Mobility Services Income, Revenue of Fiber-to-the-Hom (FTH) increased by 18 percent and lease services revenue increased by 14 percent, which increased by 14 percent compared to the previous financial year as compared to the same quarter. . In Q3F2, BSNL emphasizes “creativity, network expansion, cost optimization, customer-focused service improvement”.

BSNL has reduced its finance cost and total artists. As a result, this time compared to last year, the loss has exceeded Rs 1,800 crore. To enhance customer experience, BSNL has introduced offers such as National WiFi roaming, Bitive-Frey Entertainment for all mobile customers and FTTH customers for mining.

Good days ago ..!

“By the end of the fourth quarter of this financial year, we will not only increase the income of BSNL, but will also try to keep expenses and expenses. It is expected that this time the loss will be reduced further than last year’s data.

In the last four years, BSNL has doubled from Rs 1,100 crore, which has increased to Rs 2,100 crore.

“BSNL is working to provide 4G services to its customers across India. 75,000 towers were established in 1,00,000 towers and 60,000 towers were opened. We hope that by June, we expect a total of millions of towers to work, ”Scindia said.

BSNL has reduced its finance cost and total cost. It has declined in loss of more than Rs 1,800 crore compared to last year!

However, many customers were unhappy with other giant telecom companies, which increased recharge schemes by Airtel and Jio in June last year. BSNL has been selected as the most, cheapest plans, separate from these companies. This is one of the reasons why the number of BSNL customers is increasing over the years.

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