Budget for women 2025: Goodnuse in budget for women .. Business loan up to Rs 2 crore!

Budget for women 2025: Goodnuse in budget for women .. Business loan up to Rs 2 crore!

Nirmala Sitaraman presented the budget of 2025. This budget came in between many expectations. In such circumstances, special statements for the budget for women are made. It has been announced that a loan scheme will be launched for women from backward classes.

new plan

Nirmala Sitarman said that 5 lakh Scheduled Caste/Adivasi women are bringing a new scheme. This term will provide loan. This plan is for women who want to do business and are already doing business. Term loan will be available up to Rs 2 crore in the next five years. The Union Minister said that the scheme will provide new jobs and employment to women, SC and ST across the country.

Term loan up to 2 crores

The loan scheme will be very useful for women who have become businessmen before SC and ST. With this, 5 lakh SC and ST women traders in the country will be given loans up to Rs 2 crore in the next five years. This will support their trade center. How to promote online and administrative skills is also taught as part of the scheme.

“Efforts are on to speed up our government’s development. The government is making efforts to achieve compound development and promote private sector investment. ‘Nirmala Sitaraman said.

Credit guarantee

On the other hand, the government has the current cover of credit guarantee cover for micro and small industries (MSME). 5 crores to Rs. Improves 10 crores. The Union Finance Minister said that in the next five years, an additional credit of Rs 1.5 lakh crore will be provided. Sitarman said that about 45 percent of India’s exports are the responsibility of MSME. After this announcement, those who work in it will be more helpful.

10 lakh cards

Nirmala Sitarman has also announced that the government will also open a customized credit card for the government’s Udyam portal. Rupee. At least 10 lakh cards will be issued with a limit of Rs 5 lakh in the first year.

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