Coastal Andhra: On the banks of Andhra .. Why is the sea changing? 6 important aspects
Recently, sea colors are changing on the AP coast. Those who have seen it are happy and surprised. Some people are discussing why the real sea color is changing. In the middle of last year .. Samudra was red near Bhimili in Samudra district. Recently, there was yellow in the lips. The latest Viskha is green near Arke Beach.
People have discussed that sea colors are frequent. Why are the colors like the sea in blue? Is the color characteristic in the sea? Questions are expressed. Marine scientists say there are many reasons to change sea colors. There are 6 important factors related to this.
1. Thank you, Airwater ..
In the Bay of Bengal, storms and gases are often formed. The effect of mud and soil in sea water can change color. During storms, the tide grows and soil and sand in the coastal region.
2. Impact of Naan.
Large rivers like Godavari and Krishna join the Bay of Bengal. The alluvial soil that comes through these rivers changes the color of the sea water. This effect is more when the flow of water in rivers increases during the rainy season.
3. They ..
Industrial waste and sewage in the sea can change the color of water. This contamination causes algae in water and causes color changes. Human activity also changes the color of the sea due to the accumulation of chemicals and pollutants in the color of the sea.
4.Khanija deposit ..
The coast of Andhra Pradesh has a lot of minerals such as sand, Illmenite and monazite. Water changes can also occur due to water effects.
5. Plankton Blossom ..
There are small plants called phytoplankton in the sea. They perform photosynthesis by sunlight. Sometimes, when nutrients are rich .. This phytoplankton develops rapidly. This is called “Plankton Blossom”. This bloom can turn water into green or other colors.
6. Dissemination of light.
When sunlight enters the sea .. It can spread from water molecules. Blue lights extend more than other colors. This is why the sea usually looks blue. However, when there is more sediment or plankton in water, other colors can also spread. This makes the water look green.