Darshan: We have more than 7 days left .. Reading this story teaches philosophy!
Once a saint was sitting in his ashram. Then one of his disciples comes to the saint. He is a bit angry. He came to the saint and said, ‘Guruji .. How do you get angry at anyone and how good your good behavior is, please tell us what the secret of your good behavior is.’
If you know that you will die.
Then the saint said, ‘I do not know my secret. But I know your secret. “What is my secret owner,” asked the disciple. “If you know that you die next week, you will suffer,” said the saint. If someone else says this .. then the disciple is capable of rejecting him ridiculous. But how does anyone deny what the saint comes from the mouth.
Said to forgive.
“The disciple left after taking the blessings of a sad teacher. Since then the disciple’s nature has completely changed. He is a love for everyone. Never get angry at anyone. He spent most of his time in meditation and worship. He went to him who treated him badly.
Ashirwad Guruji.
Meanwhile, the disciple last saw the teacher and wanted to receive blessings. The saint came forward and said, “Guruji, my time is going out. Please bless me.” ‘My blessings are always with you. Okay, tell me how the last seven days have passed.
This is the secret ..
‘No. I have seven days left to live. How to waste it useless. I saw everyone as love. I also asked me to forgive those who hurt, ”the disciple said. Then the saint smiled and said, ‘My good behavior is a mystery’. ‘I know that I can die anytime, so I will see everyone in love.’
7 days left ..
The disciple understands that only the saint has shown him fear of death. In fact, the disciple understands that we have only seven days left. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Was not built on the eighth day. So we realize that we should be good every day.