Farmhouse Casino: Casino at Moinabad Farm House ..
Farmhouse Casino: Self -iest police have solved illegal casino and chicken racket at Hyderabad Moinabad Farmhouse. Bhupathi Raju Shivkumar, who operates the chicken, has been arrested. The self -styled police, who received information about poultry and casinos on the outskirts of the city, were caught by those who were gambling.
Rajendranagar police attacked the farmhouse on the outskirts of Hyderabad and revealed the operation of illegal casinos and chicken races. A total of 64 people were arrested in the attack.
86 betting chickens and chicken swords are used for rupees. A large quantity of poker chips and other gambling supplies were seized at the scene.
The accused was taken into custody by the police. Police is investigating the network that is conducting illegal activities. Police said that action would be taken against the people involved in gambling.