Hyderabad Restaurant: Onion, chutney recycled in Hyderabad restaurant, video goes viral

Hyderabad Restaurant: Onion, chutney recycled in Hyderabad restaurant, video goes viral

Hyderabad restaurants: A video posted on Instagram has exposed the filth of restaurants in Hyderabad. The ‘Amritsar Haveli’ restaurant branch in Hyderabad has been widely criticized on social media for unhygienic and unhygienic practices. The video shared on Instagram account @foodsafetywar has gone viral.

In this video, it has been alleged that leftover onions and chutney are being reused in the food being served from one table to another. This has increased concerns about food safety and cleanliness in Hyderabad hotels. The footage begins in the washing area of ​​the restaurant. In this, a place filled with water is visible, where a staff is cleaning crockery. He questioned the restaurant staff on reusing the food left in their plates.

In the video, a waiter can be heard questioning why the leftover onions and chutney are being mixed with the unused portions. Initially the waiter denied the allegations. He said that these onions were used and did not go to another table. However, after the man repeatedly asked for clarification, the restaurant manager eventually admitted that he was reusing vinegar and onions.

The content creators became angry with restaurant staff after saying contradictory things about each other. The hotel management seems to be asking them to show them dustbins to dispose of the leftover onions. There was a lot of anger among Insta users regarding cleanliness.

watch the video:

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