IIT Hyderabad: Yoga training for IIT Hyderabad students .. This is the reason!
Swami Paramatha Dev commented that there is a lot of money in modern society. Excessive earning causes stress and diseases. There are many disorders like BP and Chinese.
Without cost ..
Swami Paramatha Dev says that yoga can be healthy without any side effects and cost. By doing yoga at positive time, you can reduce any disease. It is clear that this is a scientific proven aspect. Everyone should focus on this and pay attention to the practice of yoga.
The mind can be purified.
‘With Pranayama, the body becomes anxiety and powerful. The body is firmly formed by yoga. Meditation can be purified carefully. Students can increase concentration, ”Swami Parmari Dev explained. After training, an analytical seminar was held on the path of life. Swami Parmarth Dev participated in it and explained ancient knowledge and importance.
Interesting discussions.
Swami Paramatha Dev explained to the students about living, mental calm, self -styles and the principles of living widely well. He told how Vedas can help in personal progress in everyday life. There was an interesting discussion on spirituality, morality and lifestyle. Through this program, students and faculty learned about Vedic knowledge. Were inspired.
(Reporting- Joint Medical District Representative, Hindustan Times Telugu)