Incognito mode will also be saved on search history! Remove it.

Incognito mode will also be saved on search history! Remove it.

Sometimes in -Cognito mode is used to prevent search history. But the real thing is that in these cognito mode, a few times, the data system will be saved elsewhere. Better if you remove them for your privacy. Find out how to remove cognito history in Android, iOS, Windows and MAC devices.

What is secret mode?

In cognito mode in web browsers .. browsing prevents history, cookies and other site savings. When you use this mode, your browsing activity will not be logged into the browser history. The data farm does not save data such as input or search questions. However, it will not hide your online activity from websites, your ISP or network managers!

How to remove cognito search history?

Secret steps to remove search history

  1. Open the Settings App.
  2. Tap on “privacy” or “security”.
  3. Choose “Clear Browsing Data”.
  4. Select “Advanced D”. Set the deadline on “all -time”.
  5. Select “browsing history,” “cookies-site data”, “Catch do image-files”.
  6. Tap “Clear Data”.
  7. If necessary, clean the app data by visiting your browser> storage and cash> settings> Settings> Applications. And then tap on “clear storage” or “clear data”.

Like in iOS.

  1. Open the Settings App.
  2. Scroll and tap on “Safari” (or your browser).
  3. Select the “clear history and website data”.
  4. Verify by exploiting “clear history and data”.
  5. Open the app for other browsers and go to the settings and clean the browsing data.

Like in windows ..

  1. Open your browser (chrome, age, fire fox).
  2. Click on the menu (three drops or lines).
  3. Go to “privacy and security”> “Settings”.
  4. Choose “Clear Browsing Data”.
  5. Set the deadline on “all time”.
  6. Check options such as “browsing history,”, “cookies”, “catch dimension-files”.
  7. Click “Clear Data”.
  8. Clean the DNS cash by opening the command prompt as an administrator, typing ipconfig /flushdns.

Remove secret search history in Mac ..

  1. Open the safari and click “Safari” in the menu bar.
  2. Choose “clear history”. And then select “All History”.
  3. Cash- To clean the cookies, go to “privacy”> “safari”> “priorities” and click “Manage the website data”, then click “Clear All”.
  4. For other browsers, access the settings to clean the browsing data.

By following these steps, your -cognito search history is completely removed on all devices. You can keep your online activities confidential.

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