iOS 18.3.1: Apple updated to edit a major security error iOS 18.3.1
iOS 18.3.1: Apple has released an update of iOS 18.3.1 to address an important security error affecting iPhone security. This update has been brought to modify an important safety error that will enable someone to take illegally locked Apple devices and disable the USB restricted mode. It blocks the attacker to the attacker disables the USB restricted mode on lock on the iPhone. Due to which the data on the iPhone is safe.
Due to that safety error.
Although those error in the USB registered mode gets the iPhone locked, although the iPhone is lock, it allows you to bypass securities and access the delicate user data on the phone via connected accessories or computers. Apple eliminates this error update. The phone improves safety. If the USB restricted mode is without any activity on the iPhone for an hour, any USB accessories are an important feature that can stop the iPhone.
How to get iOS 18.3.1?
To get this update, iPhone users have to follow the following stages.
- Go to “Settings” and tap “General”.
- Tap on “software update”.
- If the update is available, tap on “download and install”.
- After downloading, follow the signals to install it immediately or later.
- The iOS 18.3.1 update is available for all iPhones that support the iOS1, including the iPhone XS and the next models.
What should iPhone users do after this update?
After this update, iPhone users need to follow the following stages.
- Open the setting app on the first Apple device.
- Go to “Face ID and Pass Code” and enter the device pass code.
- Scroll on “Allow access” when locked. Then search for “luggage” tagil.
- If accessories are closed, if the device is locked for more than an hour, users must first lock the device.
- To disable the USB controlled mode, the user can start the tagil.