Jio Bharat: Good news for merchants using Jio Bharat phones; Free Sound Pay Feature
Jio Bharat Phone: Reliance Jio has announced that GEO Sound Pay services will be free on phones in India. Merchants can receive sound alerts through this GEO Sound Pay feature at the time of receiving UPI payments without the need for any sound box.
Benefits for 5 crore people
Nearly 5 crore small and micro-scale merchants across the country have availed this Jio Sound Pay feature for free. Saves 1,500. That’s usually the amount they pay for sound box services. They are able to save that amount through GEO (JIO) Sound Pay Services.
land statement
“In a bold act to emphasize Jio’s commitment to empower every Indian, the company today announced a revolutionary new feature for its Jio Bharat devices. It is dedicated to more than 5 crore small scale traders across the country. This innovative innovation is useful to the merchant by providing instant, multilingual audio extracts for every UPI payment. GEO announced that the smallest grocery stores, vegetable vendors and roadside eatery traders can get these services free of charge.
Rupee. 125
Currently small and micro merchants use Sound Box services to receive voice alerts when UPI payments are made. For that, around Rs 125. Now, with JioSound Papi, India users save Rs 1,500 a year. Geobharat phone, launched a year ago, is the world’s cheapest 4G phone. This phone can be purchased for only Rs.699k. This means that any merchant who buys a new Geobharat phone can receive the phone in just 6 months.