Kadiri Deputy Registrar: Signing the registration pattallers in tea bottle .. This official style is different!

Kadiri Deputy Registrar: Signing the registration pattallers in tea bottle .. This official style is different!

Registration work on sales and sales .. sub -Registrar has to be done. But an officer converted tea to a registrar’s office. Registration files were signed. The officer signed the files in the tea shop .. went viral on social media.

Go to the hotel ..

Sub -Registrar of Satyasai district has brought a deed to people in a tea hotel in the urban suburbs. Signing there was criticized. He was on leave on Friday. In view of the increase in market price of land .. People have come to the office of Sub -Registrar for sale. There were over 130 registrations.

Video viral ..

There are allegations that he is on leave given the need of the people. Since he had gone viral signed in a tea shop .. He came to the office the next day. His style of affairs has become a warm subject in the department.

Huge Income ..

The government has revised the market price of land in the state. New prices and fees have come into force from Saturday. However, with the intention of registering old prices, the sephers have come to the offices for four days. On 31 January, Anantapur district received a revenue of Rs 5.19 crore from registration.

From 1 February ..

Since the coalition government came to power in AP, there has been a debate on the increase in land registration price. A campaign to increase the registration fee has also been carried out from 1 January. However, the Revenue Minister has announced that the new registration fees will be implemented from February 1. There will be an increase of 0 to 20 percent of the registration fee across the state. In some areas, the registration fee is only 0 percent.

Development corridors in the area ..

Registration fees have increased in various parts of Konsma and Prakasham district along with Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam. Other people were reduced to allegations. The AP government has decided not to increase registration prices in 29 villages in Amravati. This will be an old fare here. The registration fee has increased where there are development corridors in the state.

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