Konanki Sudiksa Parent: Parents asked the Republic of Domonican to verify the death of Sudikasha Chaudhary
Konanki Sudikhasa Paida: A 20 -year -old Indian student who disappeared in Dominican’s Republic of Dominican asked the police to declare the police in the Dominican Republic that Sudikasha Chaudhary died of the death of Sudiksha Chaudhary.
He is a permanent resident of Sudihik America from Andhra Pradesh. His family moved to Washington from Kadapa district and settled. Sudik was last seen on 6 March at the RIU Republic Resort in Panta Cana Town.
American federal law enforcement agencies are working with Carebian country officials to investigate their disappearance. His body was not found in about two weeks, but it was suspected. Sudaksha’s father alleged that his daughter was kidnapped.
Family in serious tragedy.
Recently, Dominican Republic National Police spokesman Diego Pesvera told NBC Media that Angle had sent a letter to the agency seeking a death certification announcement. The family did not respond to the statement immediately.
On the other hand, CNN News has announced that Dominican Republic officials have recovered the rib passport along with Sudik.
Dominican Republic Attorney General Yani Barnis Renu interviewed Joshua Steven Rib for more than six hours last week and said with a local prosecutor.
There is no doubt…
Investigators said that he was not in the Sudical team that the rib was not considered suspicious in the case and did not go there with him. He said that there was no evidence that it was wrong.
The reasons for the rib passport have not been detected. Since the disappearance of Sudiqi in the early hours of March 6, Rock Rapids’s 22 -Year Rib has lived in Niga. Teams investigating the Republic of the US and Domonican are questioning Ribne, a senior senior of St. Cloud State University in Minnesota. His parents said in a statement that Rib was taken to the police station several times for investigation.
The victim’s family who wrote to the police.
According to an article by the New York Post, Angle sent an official letter to the officials on Monday that there was no doubt that there was no doubt of death from Panta Caina Beach in early 6 March.
According to reliable sources, his father and mother also wrote that the last person of Rib who saw the young woman was also written by the authorities in the case.
ABC News said in the same letter that the parents had said in the same letter that they were understood that they were understood to follow the legal policies for their request and they were ready to follow the necessary rules and documents.
Rib introduced with ribs in the hotel ..
Sudhikh, with his girlfriend, reached Panta Kana on 3 March. According to the Loudon County Sheriff Office, she traveled with five other women students from Pittsburgh University.
Rib said Rib had first met at the hotel at the hotel and introduced it to his team. The rib went to the police that the two teams went together and went to the beach with their suggestions.
On 6 March, five women and two men were seen drinking alcohol at Rooppulika Hotel Bar. In this video, the white cover is hugged and talking to his friends. The rib is staggering in a lance outside a few feet away.
The surveillance camera was then captured by the team entry into the beach at 4.15 am. In footage, five women left the beach within 5 pm. There is no such thing in them.
In the fourth interview given to the prosecutors, Rib explained that he was tired of trying to save the Sudiksha from swimming that he was killed. Officials of the Dominican Republic said that the woman was not considered suspicious of the girl’s disappearance.