KTR Tea Stall: Tea Cup in Tea …! Controversy over ‘KTR Tea Stall’ in Sirisila

KTR Tea Stall: Tea Cup in Tea …! Controversy over ‘KTR Tea Stall’ in Sirisila

Srinivas Sirisila Batukama of Sirisila’s KTR T Stall has become a hot subject politically. Four years ago, when BRS was in power, it was named Srinivas Batukamma Tepa with a KTR photo. A large number of people who come to walk in the morning will drink tea for a while.

Collector Sandeep Kumar Jha KTR inquired about the Tea Stall Trade License. Municipal officials closed the tea stall under the direction of the Collector in the absence of trade license. Ording to get a business license. Srinivas, the manager of the tea stall, said he did not know about the license. Local people have considered Srinivas’s concern that they have lost employment with a tea stall closed.

KTR’s answer …

KTR responded to the unfair Pratapam shown by the collector at the tea stall. The Twitter platform has been misled by the authorities. The Collector questioned the tea stall Snake Srinivas as to why. Srinivas, who is working with a small business, claims that the collector has treated badly. Remembering everything … KTR commented that there is no speech.

Anger of BRS leaders….

BRS activists have expressed concern that the Collector has closed KTR with Poto. Slogans against the collector. If the name of KTR is the collector who made the tea stall closed … You are reminding you that you are sitting on the road. Asked if small traders need a business license. Like KTR, Collector is trying to remove a tea stall named KTR.

Tea stall opened without photo name …

Srinivas, the manager of the tea stall, finally removed the name of KTR’s photo as the KTR T stall was politically pathetic. He opened a closed tea stall. He said that he had a hobby for KTR and is called ‘KTR Tea Stall’ … If there is no tea stall, he has no livelihood. Srinivas said that he would run a tea stall without a name for livelihood and hide hobbies for KTR. The KTR tea stall dispute has turned into full cup tea.

Reporting: KV Reddy United Karimnagar District Correspondent Hindustan Times Telugu.

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