MLC count: MLC votes count on third day in Karingnagar
MLC count: Graduate MLC votes in Karimnagar continue. By the end of the 10th round, the BJP candidate was a leader with 4562 votes. So far, BJP candidate Anjirdi got 70740 votes and Congress candidate Elms Narnder Reddy got 66178 votes.
BSP candidate Prasanna Harikrishna, who was elected to the BC slogan in the graduate MLC elections, won 56946 votes and limited to third place. Out of total 2 lakhs, 24 thousand votes, two lakh and 10 thousand votes have been counted.
In the sixth round, Anjirededy came in second place. He was limited to the third place for seven, 8 and 9 rounds. Come again in the tenth round. Narinder Reddy was first in the sixth round and Anjirdi was second.
In the 7th, 8 and 9 rounds, Narnder Reddy was in the first place to finish first, Prasanna Harikrishna in second place and Anjirdi and Anjirdi in third place came first in the tenth round. Prasanna was limited to third place.
The first priority with the vote, the second priority vote will become important as the graduate MLC has no chance to win a million votes to win. The second priority is likely to abolish the votes that the evening will be in the evening method. Finally, the abolition of Prasanna Harikrishna, which finally won, is likely to be clear.
10th round results
1.anjirededy – 6869
(10 round joint (70740)
2. Narender Reddy- 6347
(10 round joint (66178)
3. Prasana Harikrishna – 5952
(10 round joint (56946)
4. Ravinder Singh – 308
(10 round joint (1948)
5. Mohammad Mustak Ali – 379
(10 round joint (2504)
6. Dagiri Shekhar Rao – 324
(10 round joint (3439)
The total number of votes being counted is 2,24,000
The votes so far are 2,10,000.