NNS episode of February 5: Ranveer Chen in Anju’s neck .. Amar Shock .. Kolkata Ranveer, Manohari .. Anju too ..!

NNS episode of February 5: Ranveer Chen in Anju’s neck .. Amar Shock .. Kolkata Ranveer, Manohari .. Anju too ..!

NNS Episode of February 5: G Telugu serial Foreign Savsam today (5 February), let’s see what has happened in this episode today. Amar asks whether Anju has any specialty for a series in the neck. Amar means that I do not seem a simple chain. It seems that something is special. Amar is shocked.

Ranveer changed the plan

Six hidden next to the sofa .. Missamma asks ..? Telling to learn ..? he is. Meanwhile, Amar says that there is no specialty for this. Anju is also Missamma in the neck of the great Anju. This is why this series has such a feature. Meanwhile, Manohari and Ranveer come.

Ranveer plans to replace the car. However, Manohari says that you want to take it. Yes beautiful .. Amar cannot hit directly .. Good .. Can you kill love of love .. Now I am going to use the same image.

Amar is shocked by Ranveer Chen

Inside Missamma .. Anju series is watching me .. What is my chain .. Oh, this is my chain. When Ranveer arrives, Hi Ranveer Uncle .. Cover again in hand .. Ask what to go to shop again. Missamma .. Ranveer and Manohari are coming together. go out together ..? Or go out and ask if they met.

Ranveer went out and met .. If I want to help .. Manohari asked to come. Missamma .. asks what helps. Anjali wanted to buy a gift, so that I was following the attraction, Ranveer said that the gift was Anjali. Amar is surprised to see the chain. Amar says that this series is this series .. Which series did you see anywhere? Ranveer asks. Amar asks why this series and dollar have been brought.

Ranveer Chen in Anju’s neck

The special reason is nothing .. I bring it to bring it. Amar is not a normal chain ..? Some orders have been given. He asks why the same series is done. Ranveer is confused and said that a series will be brought to save Durga’s neck in Anju’s neck. Missamma says that you put this series in a sinner’s neck.

Meanwhile, Manohari .. Ranveer brought himself to you .. You say that you are in Anju’s neck. Amar is also called as Ranvi Chen Anju’s neck. Anju looks good in the chain. Very good Amma says that Ranveer.

About six of Chitragupta

Meanwhile, Amar suspects how he brought the series. At the moment the truth does not come out, but if Ranveer is here, then the truth will be revealed. Soon Chitragupta to go to six.

Chitragupta asks where Nagamani is. If you want to solve this problem if you want to become Nagamani immediately .. then Nagamani will remember where. Okay, however, I think I think.

Doubt started in Ranveer

Manohari .. Ranveer called and asked Amar .. I have a plan. What is this? The mind is not doing the original work. If Amar is asking about the series we brought .. Do you know how stressed I have ..? Manohari says that Amar is asking for that series.

No beautiful Amar asked. He says that the chain is not normal. This is how you know about your family series. Amar’s series comes in front of Ranveer Anju’s neck.

To take Ranveer Anjuni to Kolkata

If you ask the same thing the same thing, do you go crazy? Keep your flour separate with unnecessary doubts. Meanwhile, Anju comes to Ranveer because he runs. Ranveer is surprised to see the chain in Anju’s neck. Immediately I am going to Kolkata with Anju ..? He asks. Daddy does not agree. I will take care of them, but if your daddy calls you and ask you right.

Meanwhile, Ranveer went to Amar and said that I am going to Kolkata today .. I am pleasing and says that I am going to Kolkata. What is Rain Veer going to do? Does Amar know that Manohari Rain is the wife of Veer? If you want to air on 5 February, you have to watch the serial!

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