Passport Rules: Change in passport conditions; Find out them before applying

Passport Rules: Change in passport conditions; Find out them before applying

Passport Rules: Those who want to apply for a new Indian passport or want to update their passports should be known about it. The government has updated the passport application rules. There are five major updates remembered here before applying for passports.

Birth certificate

The birth certificate issued by the Municipal Corporation, the birth and mortality issued by any birth and mortality, the birth certificate issued by the Municipal Corporation, which is issued by the Municipal Corporation on October 1, 2023 or by individuals born on 1 October 2023 or by individuals born on October 1, 2023, should be presented as birth certificate. They do not accept other certificates other than these. Similarly, people who have been born before October 1, 2023 can also show the birth certificate issued above, moreover, a transit certificate or school lending certificate, PAN card, service record / pay pension order (only for government employees), driving license, election ID card, license policy bond, etc.

residential address

The passport is printed on the last page of a citizen of the previous port port. Never print it. Instead, the person is included in the passport via bar code on the passport. Immigration officers scan the bar code and get information related to the address.

Color coding system

The color coding system is also introduced to easily identify passports of various citizens. White passport government officials and red passports will be issued to diplomats. At the same time, blue passports continue to be issued for ordinary citizens. With this policy, the immigration officers will be able to identify passports of various categories.

Eradication of parents’ name

So far, the names of the person’s parents are printed on the last page of each passport. Never print it. This decision is prevented from unnecessarily disclosing the personal information of citizens. It is particularly useful for passport holders with separate families or single parents.

Extension of Passport Seva Kendra

Passport Seva Kendras will be extended to the application and verification process. In the next five years, new centers will be created to increase this number from 442 to 600. All these changes simultaneously provide a more secure, effective and disrupted experience for passport applicants.

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