Samsung S Penn: Consumer dissatisfaction with lack of that feature in Galaxy S22 Ultra; Online petition to Samsung
Samsung S Penn: Samsung’s decision to remove Bluetooth functionality from its latest Galaxy S22 Ultra has provoked opposition among consumers. S Penn has been a unique feature as Samsung made his debut in the Galaxy Note series on the smartphone. After the pen, the Galaxy S Linop also came in the foldable model. However, the lack of Bluetooth support in the new Galaxy S22 Ultra has disappointed many consumers.
Samsung S Pen: Bluetooth feature
Historically, Bluetooth in S Penn has allowed users to control various features on their phones from a distance. The pen is used as a camera shutter, which controls the presentations, and air Jossters. According to Samsung, however, only more than 1% of users have used these Bluetooth -based features. Samsung, who rarely used this functionality, decided to remove the facility. In addition, removing Bluetooth support will also reduce the cost of manufacturing.
Fans dissatisfaction
Although the cost of removing Bluetooth functionality from the Galaxy S22 Ultra in Ultra is correct, customers who have used this feature regularly are unhappy with the decision. As a result, these customers have introduced a petition in with the title of Samsung mobile to restore Bluetooth S Pen for the Galaxy S -26 Ultra. “This petition reflects the concerns of this particular group that claims to bring back the performance of Bluetooth in a wide customer base.
Effect of online petitions
Online petitions serve as a platform to express their concerns for customers. Samsung’s decision to remove Bluetooth support until most consumers are unhappy are unlikely to rethink. However, although its impact is uncertain, this petition gives customers an opportunity to express their views. We have to wait and see if Samsung has a value for the fan opinion, which is re -re -Bluetooth S Pen for the Galaxy S26 Ultra.