Samsung Walk-e-Thon: If you participate in this dice you can win a free Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra

Samsung Walk-e-Thon: If you participate in this dice you can win a free Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra

Samsung Walk-e-Thon: Samsung India has launched a new fit Ness challenge called ‘Walk-e-Tan India’ challenge to encourage its customers to be active and to track their physical activities. Sam Song Health app users can participate in this challenge. Awards can also be obtained for their fit.

2 lakh feet in a month ..

Samsung’s latest Fit Ness Challenge is that you will have to walk 2 lakh feet till 28 February this month. Those who have completed 2 million feet walk can win the Galaxy Watch Ultra. Those who have fulfilled this challenge will be selected as random and presented to Galaxy Watch Ultra. The ‘Walk-e-Thhan India’ challenge will continue from January 30 to February 28, 2025. Consumers have a full month’s time to reach the step target. Samsung’s goal is to connect fitness tracking with an attractive reward system and to be active when promoting community concept.

How to participate in the ‘Walk-e-Thhan India’ challenge?

This challenge is available for all Samsung smartphone users of India with Samsung Health App Access. To qualify for the award draw, participants have to complete 200,000 feet in 30 days. On reaching this goal, participants should take their progressive screen shot and upload it to the Sam Song Members app using #walkathonIndia.

To participate in this dicethon ..

  1. Samsung’s smart phone with Sam Song Health App.
  2. It should be completed by 28 February, 2025.
  3. Share the screen shot in Samsung members app with the hashtag #walkathindia.
  4. Only users who meet these standards for Galaxy Watch Ultra will enter the draw.

Steps to join the challenge:

  1. Samsung should open the health app and go to the ‘Together’ section.
  2. On January 30, 2025, participate in the ‘Walk-e-Than India’ Challenge.
  3. Track the steps every day with the Samsung Health app.
  4. Complete 200,000 feet by February 28, 2025.
  5. Share the screen shot of success you achieved in the application of Samsung members with #walkathonIndia.

At the end of the challenge, three winners of eligible persons will be selected as random and declared after February 28, 2025.

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