Sangareddy: Pharma Companies target ..! The arrest of a carbon stealing gang, Rs. Chemical possession is more than 4 crores

Sangareddy: Pharma Companies target ..! The arrest of a carbon stealing gang, Rs. Chemical possession is more than 4 crores

The Sangardi police have arrested a gang to steal the most valuable palladium carbon used in pharma companies. Six members of a gang were taken into custody near Sadashivate. They have seized the Paladium Carbon from Rs 4 crore to Rs 50 lakh from them.

Working in a company … became a thief …!

Going to the details … The main accused Ginger Sambasiva has experience working in various pharma company. They have a complete understanding of the value of palladium carbon. Based on this, there was a misunderstanding to make money incorrectly.

Earlier he was in contact with Prasad and Anmol Jegi, who works in Pune’s Pharma Company. He has agreed to steal and bring paladium carbon to pharma company. Let us share it evenly.

In this way Sambasiva came to Hyderabad. Knowing about Palladium Carbon -able Pharma Companies, the store staff working there were expecting money. Prasad’s teams or Amol Jegat, who take complete information about the content of the company,

First theft in pumpkin …….

For the first time in 2023, for the first time, the police said that about 35 kg of palladium carbon was stolen at Newland Company in Pumpkin Police Station Bontapalli. In November 2024, Amol Jagde alias Raju Gang said he had stolen about 8 kg of paladium carbon at the rampax company in Baylor. In December 2024, Prasad team stole about 15 to 17 kg of chemical powder in Sai Life Sciences in Bidar.

20 days ago, Sambasiva learned about Erin Life Sciences Unit -3 in Yavpur village of Sadashivate Police Station. According to the plan … he came to the company and was a store manager, expected of money. Prasad informed Prasad to know the full details of the material.

Investigation found that Prasad and his team members stole about 120 kg of palladium carbon from the company on the night of 9 February. Its value is around 4.5 crores. Three other people were arrested along with Sambasiva, Prasad and Mukanti Reddy as part of the case. A car and six mobile phones were recovered from them. Police said five other accused are in heaven.

Reporting: Joint Medical District Representative, HT Telugu.

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