Sangereddy Surgent: Tragedy in Sangereddy…

Sangereddy Surgent: Tragedy in Sangereddy…

Sangereddy Surgent: Doctors assured that the problem of snoring would be completely cured by the operation and the event in which a person who accepts in surgery, eventually died in Sangredi. A person with a serious snoring problem went to a private hospital in Sangredi Town to find a permanent situation for his problem.

The doctors assured that their problem would be completely cured by the operation, and the man accepted in surgery. He arrived at a large hospital and protested.

If you want a permanent solution …

The family members of the deceased have demanded the ownership of the hospital and strict action against the doctors. V., resident of Garakurti village of Kondapur area in the district. Srinivas (43) has been suffering from severe snoring for some time. To solve the problem, he contacted doctors in Padmavati Neuro and Super Specialty Hospital in Sangredi Town. Surgery will give their problem a permanent situation. Believing the words of doctors, Srinivas was admitted to the hospital for surgery on Wednesday. The same night the doctors performed the operation for him. He lost his life within hours of operation.

Worry to take action,

Relatives and villagers who knew the matter were taken to the hospital. Due to the negligence of the doctors, Srinivas lost his life, demanded immediate arrest of doctors and justice for the Srinivas family. As the situation became tense, Sangarede police arrived and investigated the case.

Inquiry of the victim’s family and the death of Srinivas. While the police tried to escape the body at Sangarade Government Hospital, Srinivas’s family members blocked the body after justice was given. Near the hospital, the situation became extreme.

The police assured the family members of the victim that they would do justice to the Srinivas family and take action against the hospital ownership and doctors. Still the situation did not diminish. Srinivas has a wife and two children. Relatives said they were working in a private company in the district. Relatives used to cry in the family and say that he would share himself, and he would be otherwise deviation.

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