Sangreddy District: Slab falls in Anganwadi building – five children seriously injured

Sangreddy District: Slab falls in Anganwadi building – five children seriously injured

The slab of the Anganwadi school building fell in Venkatpur village in Sangreddy district. Five children were seriously injured. He was immediately rushed to the hospital and was treated.

15 children study at Anganwadi center of Venkatpur village. In this sequence, the height of the slab fell together. Out of 15 children … five children were injured. The parents who reached the spot immediately got nervous.

Seeing the children bled, the parents were heartbroken. The ambulance was immediately called and informed. Balsandiri was also transferred to Narayanakhed Government Hospital.

MLA on tour …

On receiving information about this incident, local MLA Pathola Sanjeev Reddy reached the hospital. Talked to the doctors about the child’s condition. They were also asked to provide better treatment.

After this, Anganwadi went to school and inspected the building. He said that the BRS party, which ruled in the state for the last 10 years, should be held responsible for this incident. It was alleged that the BRS party, which ruled the state twice, could not construct the Anganwadi centers properly.

Collector ordered an inquiry

District Collector Kranti Vallur met the injured children. He went to Narayankhed area hospital… and ordered the officials to provide them better treatment.

The collector said that three of the injured will be discharged. The other two will be kept under supervision and discharged. The collector also talked to the parents of the children and told them that the health condition of the children is good. Orders have been ordered to investigate the incident. Action will be taken against those responsible.

Reporting: Joint Medical District Correspondent, HT Telugu.

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