SCR Maha Kumbh Mela Special Train: Some more special trains from Telangana to Mahakumbmela
South Central Railway has given good news to the passengers at the Maha Kumbh Mela. Some more special trains have been announced from Hyderabad. Trains will proceed between 14 February to 24 February. South Central Railway said that all six special trains will be available.
There will be a special train between Bidar and Dhanpur on 14 February. It will depart from Bidar at 11 am … Dhanpur will arrive at 11 and 55 pm on the second day. The train is passing through Zahbad, Vikarabad, Begumpet, Secunderabad, Janagam, Kajipeta, Jammintu, Periapalli, Ramagundam, Mannariyala, Belmpalli, Sirpur, Kagaznagar and some other stations.
Special trains from CharPalliā¦
South Central Railway has announced a special train from Charpalli railway station to Dhanpur in Hyderabad. Train (number 07112) will leave Dhanpur on 16 February at 3.15 pm. The second day will reach Charlapally at 11 and 45 pm. Another service (07077) is available between Charpalli and Dhanpur. This train will be available on February 18,22. It will leave Charlapally at 3 pm. The second day will reach Dhanpur railway station at 11 and 55 pm.
From Dhanapur to Charpalli on 20 and 24 February, the train will increase. Train (07078) will leave Dhanpur at 03.15 am … The second day will reach Charpalli station at 11.45 am.
These are stationsā¦.
These special trains will stop at Jangam, Kajipata, Periapalli, Ramagundam, Mannariyaala, Belmpalli, Sirpur and Kagznagar stations in Telangana. Officials say some other stations in other states will stop. This special tranx has 2A, 3A, sleeper class and general second class coaches available. The Kumbh Mela was asked to use these services.