SIP Investment: If you put 500 per month in SIP .. then how much will be 5, 10, 15, 20, 25?
If you start investing at an early age .. then you will see good returns in future. In recent times, many young mutual funds have also been investing in SIPs. This is because the return in it is very useful for the future.
If you invest less, there is a good income. Returns are good in the long run in the long run. It should be remembered that SIP is also subject to ups and downs in the market. Sometimes you can get more or less than what you think. If you invest 500 rupees per month .. then let’s see if you will be 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years. Let’s count with an average of 12 %.
In 5 years
You get Rs. Invested in yoga of 500 rupees. Will invest 30,000. You get Rs. 11,243 will get revenue. This means that after 5 years, the total amount is Rs. 41,243.
In ten years
Every month Rs. Investing in 500 CIPs for 10 years, total amount of rupees. 60,000 to invest. This Rs. 56,170 available. After 10 years, the total amount is Rs. 1,16,170 is available.
In 15 years
15 consecutive years. 500 SIP if investment Rs. 90,000. You get an interest of Rs 1,62,288 at 12 percent. The total fund will be Rs 2,52,288.
In 20 years
If you Rs. The interest rate of Rs 3,79,574 is available at the rate of 12 %. Total Rs. 4,99,574.
In 25 years
25 years and Rs. If 500 investment, total investment of Rs. Will be 1,50,000. In this case you will get Rs. 7,98,818 will be obtained. Rupee. 9,48,818.
Note: Mutual funds depend on the revenue market. Sometimes the interest rate is higher, and some more times. Prepare everything in the sip.