SLBC Rescue Operation: There is no oxygen inside the tunnel .. In the area in the robot .. What is the latest position in SLBC?
Minister Uttam Kumar Reddy said that the accident in SLBC is a national disaster. For the hideout of workers trapped in the tunnel, he reported that the world’s best technology is being used in relief efforts. Uttam Kumar Reddy on Saturday morning Achchpetta MLA Dr. Chikku visited the tunnel with Vamasikrishna. The review was held with top officials of rescue teams working from various fields.
Ara on progress.
The officials have explained the current progress to the minister to identify the workers trapped in the tunnel. ITAM discussed with experts from India’s geographical survey, Cadver Dog Team, Rat Minors and Robot Sector. The causes, obstacles and remedies are accelerated to remove the causes of lack of supportive measures.
There is no proper oxygen ..
Speaking on the occasion, Minister Uttam said that assistant measures are being removed in supporting measures. He reported that the lack of proper oxygen inside the tunnel, high in water, TBM metal pieces, stones and soil. However, the government continues to support relief.
Let’s stay ..
The minister assured the government that the government would fully support the workers and officials working in the rescue operations. Workers have been suggested to use the best technology in the world to recognize quickly. The government is ready to bear no matter how much funds are there. The pieces of TBM are trapped in stones, mud and water.
Robot in the field ..
Minister Uttam Kumar Reddy said that Rs 4 crore will be spent on relief measures with robot experts. Officers were immediately ordered to put the robot in the field. He thanked the officers, experts and employees who were working hard in supporting action. He will come back again on the 11th .. If possible, the Chief Minister will also come here.