South Central Railway: Secunderabad railway station prestigious building ground level

South Central Railway: Secunderabad railway station prestigious building ground level

Secunderabad railway station has a rich history. It is said that the ruler of the then Nizam was built in 1874 by Secunderabad railway station. Till 1916, the Nizam was the headquarters of the Garantade State Railway (NGSR). NGSR was nationalized in 1951 after independence. Secunderabad station was part of Indian Railways.

As a headquarters ..

In 1966, the South Central Railway region was formed. Then it became the headquarters of Secunderabad. It was built in 1951 for the style of Nizam. Secunderabad railway station was constructed by Nizam Mir Mahabub Ali Khan in 1874. The station was originally a simple building with three platforms. Ranura was started to meet the requirements.

Iconic building

However, the central government has included the Amrit Bharat Scheme to modernize the station. In view of working for modernization .. Officers are demolishing ancient structures. The main attraction of Secunderabad railway station has collapsed and the new building will be built according to the current situation.

With facilities at a global level ..

The railway department is modernizing Secunderabad railway station with Rs 720 crore. World -class facilities will be provided at the railway station. Station shops, food courts, rest centers, waiting halls and modern ticket counters are being built. The station will be built as G+3 floor.

Like the airport.

It is planned to make it as a iconic structure. Both passengers are being built on both sides of the station. Infrastructure will be provided to meet passenger needs up to 40 years. The railway station is being developed in the same way as the airport.

Trains for major cities.

Regular express, super fast and passenger trains from Secunderabad. Trains are available in major cities like New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore and Visakhapatnam. Millions of passengers travel regularly from here. Hundreds of trains travel from Secunderabad. There are 10 platforms and 11 tracks.

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