Special trains: Special trains at Charlapi-Kakinada, CharPalli-Narspur weekly Vijayawada
Special trains: South Central Railway has announced that two special weekly trains between CharPalli-Kakinada city and Charpalli-Narasapur will be launched at Vijayawada above Vijayawada.
Special trains from Kakinada Charpalli
1. The special weekly train of CharPalli-Kakinada (07031) will be available on 28, 7, 13, 21 and 28 this month. Train will reach Charlipalli at 7.20 pm on dates and will reach Kakinada city at 4.30 pm on March.
2. Kakinada Town-Fachapalli (07032) special weekly train will be available on March 2, 9, 16, 23 and 31 (Sunday). The train will be in Kakinada city at 6.55 pm and will reach Charlapally at 6.50 am on Marusati.
Both trains will stop at Charlpali-Kakinada city of Madhya Nallaonda, Maryalaguda, Sattenapalli, Guntur, Vijayawada, Eluru, Tadpalli Gudam, Rajmundry and Samacota stations.
Special trains from Narasapur Charlipalli
3. The special weekly train of CharPalli-Naraspur (07233) will be available on 28, 7 March, 13, 21 and 28 this month. The train will arrive at Narasapur at 8.15 am at 5.15 pm and will reach Marusati at 5.50 am.
4. Narasapur-Parapalli (07234) Special weekly train will be available on 2 March, 9, 16, 23 and 31 (Sunday). The train will reach Narasapur at 8 pm and reach Charpalli at 6 am on Marusati.
Two trains are Charlallpalli-Naraspur Central Nallaonda, Maryalaguda, Nadikudi, Thidhuppalli, Sattenepalli, Guntur, Vijayawada, Gudiwada, Kaikaluru, Bhimavaram
Six special trains special trains for summer
Passengers Railway Goodnues. The East Coast Railway has launched six summer special trains to reduce the additional congestion of passengers in view of the public demand.
Summer special trains
1. Train number 08311 Sambalpur – Erode Weekly Specical Express train will be held from March 12 to April 30. The train will leave Sambalpur at 11:35 am on Wednesday and reach Duwara at 11:30 pm the same night. Erode will depart from there from there at 11.32 am and will reach at 8:30 pm on Thursday. A total of 8 trips travel.
2. Train number 08312 Erode – Sambalpur Weekly Special Train will run from March 14 to May 2. The train departs from Erode every Friday at 2:45 pm. It will reach Duvawa at 2:08 pm the next day and leave at 1:10 pm and reach Sambalpur at 11:15 pm on Saturday. A total of 8 trips travel.
These are two special trains -Sambalpur Central Parvatipuram, Bobili, Vijayanagaram Junction, Putihawalasa, Duvawada, Anakapalli, Sumalkota, Rajmundri, Nidadavolu, Bhimvaram, Kachakal, Guddwa, Gudiwada, Tenli These two trains in these two trains, second AC -1, Third AC -3, General Classes -09, General Second Classes in these two trains. -3, second class low goods/ disabled coaches -2 include.
3. Train number 02811 Bhubaneswar-Yashwantpur special trains will be run from 1 March to 26 April. The train will leave Bhubaneswar every Saturday at 7:15 pm and reach Duvawa at 1:53 pm the next day. From there, it will leave at 1:55 pm and reach Yashwantpur at 12.15 pm. A total of 9 trips travel.
4. Train number 02812 The special train of Yashwantpur-Bhubaneshwar will be stuck from March 3 to April 28. The train will leave Yashwantpur every morning at 4:30 am. The next day will reach Duvawa at 4:30 pm. From there, 4:32 pm. Bhubaneswar will arrive at 12.15 pm. A total of 9 trips travel.
Both trains will be held in Palasa, Srikakulam Road, Vijayanagaram, Putihawalasa, Duwara, Sumalakota, Rajhumundri, Vijayawada, Guntur, Narsopet, Markapur Road, Gidalur, Nandla, Dharmavaram and Sri Satyaram. Both trains will include third AC -16 and generator motor car -2 coaches.
5. Train number 08508 Visakhapatnam-Shalimar Special Express train will be held from 11 March to 29 April. The train will leave Visakhapatnam on Tuesday at 11:20 am and reach Simhcharam at 11:36 am. From there it will run at 11:38 am. Vijayanagaram will arrive at 12:08 pm and depart from there at 12:10 pm. Chipurupalli arrives at 12:35 pm and departs from there at 12:37 pm. Srikakulam Road will reach by 1:08 pm and depart from there at 1:10 pm. The next day will reach Shalimar at 3:00 pm (Wednesday). A total of 8 trips travel.
6. Train number 08507 Shalimar -Visakhapatnam Special Express train will be held from 12 March to 30 April. The train will leave Shalimar at 5 am on Wednesday. At 6:10 pm, Srikakulam will reach the road and leave at 6:12 pm. He will reach Chipurupalli at 6:38 pm and leave at 6:40 pm. Vijayanagar will arrive at 7:03 pm and leave at 7:05 pm. Simhachalam will arrive at 7:35 pm and leave at 7:37 pm. Visakhapatnam comes at 8:50 pm. A total of 8 trips travel.
Rind trains Visakhapatnam-Shalimar will run in Madhyachalam, Vijayanagaram, Chipurupalli, Srikakulam Road and Palasa railway stations. The special train includes the second AC -1, third AC -3, Sleeper Class -9, General Second Class -4, Second Class Less Loans/ Divyangjan Coach -1 and Motor Car -1.