Student market: Botanical market with school children in Karimnagar, Collector
Student Market: In Karimnagar, the botanical market with students has been established to educate parents on agriculture.
In Karimnagar, Kashmir Gaddi has become a botanical market for students without farmers. Markets, a crowded farmers with regular vegetables and buyers who buy regular vegetables became a site for a rare program.
The model vegetable market was established with students with an innovative concept. Students sold vegetables grown in public schools. The botanical market of the students was launched by Collector Pamela Satpathi and District Officers and district officials bought vegetables as customers.
Good response to model vegetable market ..
In hundreds of public schools in Karimnagar district, the kitchen garden was established in collaboration with the Generation Foundation and was handed over to students with organic farming and sales responsibilities. Model Vegetable Market, which was established with 60 students from 12 public schools in Kashmir Gaddi farmer’s market, received good response.
District Collector Pamela gave good results with the initiative. The ceremony was organized by the Education Department to locate crop farming students and farmers, Karimnagar, Dhangar Wadi, Asif Nagar, Boruppali, Mankondur, Nuwalpur, Nagapur, Jangpalli, Chelpur, Hosurabad boys. Vegetables grown at her school at her school shows greens in model vegetable market
Professional skills in students …
Collector Pamela Satpathi said that this program will help students find the difficulties of farmers, to influence farmers’ difficulties, marketing marketing, sales of vegetables, purchase, techniques, markets.
A student who sells vegetables is with students for a long time. Vegetable rates, discounts, liquor and cash were calculated. Asked questions to increase business skills in students. Kitabu said that the business sector is developing skill development.
The collector was particularly praised by the students with a satisfactory answer. The collector itself is aware of what action should be taken to influence customers on vegetable sales. Visited each stall and asked for various aspects of vegetable rates.
Comprehensive Publicity ..
The collector is advised to educate the public on vegetables grown in schools with organic methods. It is said that the issue of cultivation of any chemical fertilizer should be widely publicized.
The District Collector urged the public to suggest that the vegetables grown in this way are also very good for health. On the one hand, the Karimnagar Collector has set a new record for students on the sale of vegetables grown in a biological manner that contributes to the full health of the people.
(Reporting: KV Reddy United Karimnagar District Correspondent Hindustan Times Telugu)