Telangana Farmers: Sai Sunnala Farming
In Telangana Yasangi season, they tend to do thin cultivation. The government has given a bonus of Rs. Agriculture officials believe that there is a possibility of increase in the area under cultivation in Yasangi. It is estimated that this time 54 lakh acres of paddy will be cultivated in Yasangi. Approximately 40 lakh acres are expected to increase.
Arrangement of officers..
In view of the possibility of increasing the preparations, the authorities have supplied seeds. There was shortage of seeds during the monsoon season. In view of those experiences, the seeds were made available within the first week of December without any hassle. Most of the varieties have already been exhausted. There is a lot of water in the ponds also. Due to this, agricultural work has been done.
Demand for thin rice.
There is demand for thin rice in the market. Millers and traders are buying wads on farmers as people buy parboiled rice. The government is also encouraging farmers. During the monsoon season, the government gave a bonus of Rs 2,830 per quintal. These private traders also spent Rs.
This time, with the support of the government and the demand in the market, farmers are making arrangements to cultivate thin wads this time. Officials estimate the grain yield to be up to 85 lakh metric tons. According to the estimates of the Agriculture Department, in 2023-24, 174.18 lakh grains and 86.26 lakh were produced. Officials believe that the yield of thin wad is likely to increase this time.
Telangana varieties are mostly cultivated in Telangana, such as Kaveri, HMT, Chintu, RNR, KNM, Varsha, Jaisrem and BPT. In some district, there are 14 varieties in Sai Ram, Sairam Gold, Dafari 1008, Akshay, Akshay Gold, Siri, Samrudhi, GK Savitri, Divya Jyothi, Ankur 101 and WGL. Either way there is huge demand.
Good for farmers..
Farmers cultivating sedge are not selling to whole grain purchasing centers. In most of the villages, Vads are being sold in mills. Besides they are keeping them for eating. How to do this for farmers. Agriculture officials say they are prone to cultivating sins.