Telangana High Court: Lawyer has a heart attack and death in Telangana High Court

Telangana High Court: Lawyer has a heart attack and death in Telangana High Court

There was a tragedy in the Telangana High Court. The lawyer fell in the court hall. Fellow lawyers deeply regret the incident. The complete details of the incident are as follows. Senior advocate Venugopala Rao .. The 21st Court Hall is listening to the argument. At this time it was suddenly collapsed.

Stop the investigation.

The fellow lawyer immediately reached Osmania Hospital in an ambulance. Doctors said that Venugopala Rao had already died of a heart attack. The judge stopped the petitions as mourning of Venugopala Rao’s death in the 21st court hall. Regular petitions have been postponed in the rest of the hall.

Heart attack

Fatty foods, cholesterol and other elements can accumulate on the arteries walls and make plaques. These planets shrink the arteries. It reduces blood circulation to the heart. When a plaque is bursting, blood clots completely seal the artery. This causes a heart attack. Hypertension increases stress on the heart. It weakens the muscles of the heart. The risk of heart attack increases.

If there is no physical activity ..

The high cholesterol level in the blood contributes to the formation of the plaques plated in the arteries. People with diabetes increase the risk of heart disease. Smoking damages the arteries. Increases the risk of blood clots. Lack of physical activity also increases the risk of heart disease. Severe stress can cause a heart attack.


If anyone in the family has heart disease, then there is a risk of heart attack. Medical experts say that chest pain or discomfort, left hand, neck, jaw or back pain, lack of breath, nausea or vomiting, head -head -head or epilepsy.

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