TG BCS Reservation: 42 % reservation for BCS, Telangana Assembly approval for Chief Bill-CM letter to Prime Minister Modi

TG BCS Reservation: 42 % reservation for BCS, Telangana Assembly approval for Chief Bill-CM letter to Prime Minister Modi

TG BCS Reservation: Minister Ponam Prabhakar said that the Telangana Legislative Assembly has approved 42 percent reservation for BCS in local bodies, educational and employment opportunities. All political parties supported this resolution. At the assembly media point, Minister Ponam Prabhakar said that this decision is ideal for the country. During Rahul Gandhi Bharat Jodo Yatra, caste should be calculated across the country and who wanted to do justice to him.

The Congress government, led by CM Revented Reddy, led by CM Ravant Reddy, decided to announce the report in the cabinet on February 4, 2024 on February 4, 2024 on February 4, 2024 on February 4, 2024. The bill was passed in the Legislature by increasing reservation in educational employment opportunities.

Lift up 50 percent slab

“The Telangana Legislative Assembly unanimously passed the bill to include in Schedule 9. The bill has been passed by the passage of the bill, which has passed the bill passed in the event of proper representation of Telangana. 10 % of the reservation raised 10 % of the reservation.

We will go to Delhi under the leadership of CM Revent Reddy to make 42 percent reservation for BCS. We will move forward with the cooperation of two Union ministers and leaders at the Center. 42 % reservation will be made. Till the bill is received, we will go together in Delhi and make 42 % reservation ”- Minister Ponam Prabhakar

Chief Minister Reddy’s letter to Prime Minister Modi

CM Revant Reddy wrote a letter to Prime Minister Modi. He wrote a letter that demanded an appointment to meet the Prime Minister with Congress, BRS, BJP, MIM and CPI leaders. The Telangana Legislative Assembly has unanimously approved two bills to increase 42 percent reservation for backward classes in education and employment sectors along with local bodies. In this background, CM said in the letter that the Center should give an appointment to support the bills.

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