TG Indiramma Housing Scheme Update: Complaints about Indiramma houses..? But know these 8 things

TG Indiramma Housing Scheme Update: Complaints about Indiramma houses..? But know these 8 things

The survey process of Indiramma houses is going on in Telangana. Officials say that the survey has been completed in more than 95 percent of the districts. The entire survey is likely to be completed before Sankranti festival. On the other hand, the government is also working towards the selection of beneficiaries. It is being told that the officials have also received instructions from the government in this matter.

The government hopes that corruption will not be allowed in the Indiramma House scheme. It has been decided to give it only to those who are eligible. It has been decided to give priority to transparency. As a part of this… a new website has also been launched. It was announced that complaints would be received through this. Know important things related to this website here…

Indiramma House Website – Important Points:

  1. Telangana government has launched a special website to report any complaints on Indiramma House Scheme. If applicants face any problem then they can complain.
  2. The State Housing Department has provided a website to receive complaints.
  3. There is a complaint entry on the home page. Here you can proceed with the complaint process by entering your mobile number.
  4. After details of complaint or issue.. complaint ID is being generated.
  5. Details of the action taken on the complaint will be sent to the complainant’s mobile through message.
  6. Complaints in villages reach the concerned authorities through MPDO.
  7. However, in towns the complaints reach the concerned authorities through the Municipal Commissioner.
  8. The government has also come up with a helpline number regarding the Indiramma House Scheme. You can get services by calling the number 040-29390057.

It is known that last year the Public Administration Program was run from 28th December to 6th January. Of these, 82,82,332 applications were received for Indiramma houses. Due to the huge number of applications, filtering these applications has become the biggest challenge for the government. In this background, by incorporating latest technology, a survey is being conducted for the selection of beneficiaries.

The list of beneficiaries of Indiramma’s house will be declared only after the approval of the Gram Sabha. The government is working in this direction. But in the first phase, the government will give Indiramma House to those poor who have their own land. Per house Rs. Funds will be released at the rate of Rs 5 lakh. This amount will be deposited in four installments.

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