TG New Ration Card: Light Blue Card with Muhartam Fix-CR Code to issue new ration cards in Telangana

TG New Ration Card: Light Blue Card with Muhartam Fix-CR Code to issue new ration cards in Telangana

TG new ration card: Telangana government has updated new ration cards. The government has announced that new ration cards will be issued from Ugadi. CM Revent Reddy finalized the new ration card model on Tuesday. CM officers have been instructed to prepare a new ration card in light blue color. Minister Uttam Kumar Reddy has finalized the ration card model along with CM Revent Reddy on the ration card. The QR code will also be set on the ration card.

Ration card in new sample

New cards will be provided to those who have already received ration cards. Currently there are 80 lakh white ration cards in the state. CM Revent Reddy has instructed the officials to provide new sample ration cards to all of them. The government said that it will apply for new ration cards in service centers. It queues up to your service centers. Since the ration card is the standard for welfare schemes provided by the Central and State Government … they are applying for new ration cards.

On 30 March

The Yugadi Festival will be held on 30 March this year. CM Revant Reddy is planning to issue new ration cards that day. CM Revent Reddy has decided to provide a ration card to every eligible family.

When names on old cards have been removed

Applications for new ration cards are emerging in Telangana. Applications for new ration cards have been received through public, village councils and service centers. Officials say that applications for up to 13 lakh new ration cards have been received. Officials said that about 24 lakh applications have been received for the name and address change of family members. However, many old cards are applied for a new card without removing the name. The Department of Civil Affairs has given important suggestions that the grant of new cards has become a problem.

Those who apply for a new ration card are advised to first remove the name on their old ration card. After that, the service center was asked to apply for new people. Officials said that there was no possibility of applying for another card related to Aadhaar number. New married women are appealing for a new card to remove the name of their birth ration card.

Officials said that newly married women should write a letter to the Tehsildar to remove the name of their birth ration card. Those who apply a new ration card in Athi will have to attach a wedding certificate or a wedding magazine. The name of the old card is removed one and two days after the completion of the process. Officials of the Department of Civil Affairs have revealed that they can apply for a new ration card.

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