TG New Ration Card: Original lists ready..! How will the new ration cards be finalized?

TG New Ration Card: Original lists ready..! How will the new ration cards be finalized?

The sector is getting ready for the approval of new ration cards in Telangana. The government has decided to start this process from the 26th of this month. But the government is taking steps towards identifying eligible people. Under this, guidelines have also been issued recently. Under this… the Civil Supplies Department has started a district-wise exercise on who is eligible for the new card. It is known that the lists containing basic details have been prepared to this extent.

Lakhs of families across the state have been waiting for a new card for a long time. Many people have applied for the Public Administration programme. The application for ration card was given on white paper instead of the prescribed form. But there is no official clarity on this from the government. But in the recently issued guidelines, it has been decided to issue it on the basis of comprehensive family survey. With this, the process of issuing new ration cards in a new way will start.

Just a few days ago, a comprehensive household survey was conducted across the state. Complete information about the family members was collected. But based on these details… it is learned that the Civil Supplies Department has prepared preliminary lists. More than 6 lakh families have been identified as eligible for the new card. It is known that these lists have reached the districts.

How to finalize..?

District officials will scrutinize the preliminary lists prepared by the Civil Supplies Department. Village wise list will be sent. These lists are placed before the Gram Sabhas. In towns they are kept in Basti Sabhas. Read the list here. Any objection will be accepted. The final list will be finalized after objections are received. This process will start from January 20. After this these lists will reach the district collectors. Based on the list sent by the collectors, the Civil Supplies Department will issue new cards. This process will start from January 26.

It is reported that the government has decided to accept applications for changing the name in the existing cards. After marriage, he applied to remove his name from the horoscope and add his name to his daughters’ cards. The government will take a decision regarding these also. On the other hand, the design of ration cards will also change. Earlier cards were issued in electronic form. Now it seems that the government has decided to redesign the card and make it physical.

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