TG Sand Supply: 24 hours online booking sand short .. 10 important items

TG Sand Supply: 24 hours online booking sand short .. 10 important items

Rethinking government has taken steps to overcome the lack of sand in Telangana. It has decided to provide online sand booking for 24 hours. At the same time, smuggling has been ordered to prevent smuggling from smuggling. Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation (TGMDC) officials have initiated action. It has 10 important aspects.

10 important aspects ..

1. TGMDC is currently operating the sand reef in the state. The sand is supplied to different parts of the state from the respective rich.

2. In the past, the details of government reefs and sand reserves in the dumping yard were kept online at 12 noon. There were 12 sand booking opportunities.

3. Changing this policy .. 24 -hour online policy has been provided. Once booking online on a lorry number .. When the vehicle was unloaded, there will be a surrender to pay back.

4. Currently, three DDs are expected to be paid on the lorry number. But .. in 15 days, the sand was to be taken.

5. There are allegations that sand is being smuggled on the banks of the Godvari River. The sand is moving beyond rivers like Kinnarasani and Murredu along the river Godavari.

6. The owners of the tractor are made as mafia. The sand is being transported from rivers and rivers to dump. Pockets are being filled with tippies at different places from Akkad.

7. The officials are accused of keeping silent. Demand for sand is increasing as buildings are gaining momentum. This is the case with smuggling.

8. Against this background, the government has introduced online sand booking facility for 24 hours.

9. In rituals, special teams were appointed with police, revenue and TGMDC officials without the possibility of illegal sand. These teams constantly monitor the Reich.

10 .. With this latest decision taken by the government, sand will be available enough. The government is also saying that revenue is increasing.

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