TG SC Classification: Application for SC Vice -Schensalers in Telangana

TG SC Classification: Application for SC Vice -Schensalers in Telangana

TG SC classification: The state government is expected to implement SC classification in Telangana immediately. With the issue of notification for admission to higher education, it has been decided to receive applications by SC subculture. Telangana Higher Education Council has decided to receive applications as per SC classification in view of schedule for several entrance examinations.

The Telangana government has decided to implement SC classification in admission to higher education institutions from 2025-26 academic year as the state government is stepping in favor of SC classification in Telangana.

As the admission process for admission for Telangana higher education courses continues, the Higher Education Council has decided to receive applications by the government for information issued by Higher Education.

Till last year, 15% admission is being applied to Telangana SC students. Students are allotted seats regardless of SC sub -failure. On Tuesday, the Commission recommended the government to classify the SCS into 3 groups. The Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council on Tuesday approved the SC classification. Gazette is to be released on SC classification. If this applies, the group wise reservation will be implemented.

On the other hand, applications for information issued by the Higher Education Council have started. If the government issues a classification notification, there will be legal implications. The EAP set notification will be released on 20 February. Applications will be received from 25 February.

Meanwhile, 3 groups of applications will be obtained when life and notification is issued on SC classification. If orders are not issued in the meantime, students will have to mention subconscious online application. Necessary information is being collected to implement reservation during admission. Telangana is also collecting classification details in ISET, PGET, EDSET, LASSET, ESET and PE set.

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