TG SSC exam 2025: Telangana ready for class X exam

TG SSC exam 2025: Telangana ready for class X exam

TG SSC Exam 2025: All arrangements have been made for public examinations of class X in Telangana. The SSC-2025 annual examination will be held from 21.03.2025 to 04.04.2025 in 2650 examination centers across the state. The Government Examination Director said in a statement.

Class X examination will be conducted from 9.30 am to 12:30 pm.

One. First language (overall course) time from 9.30 am to 12.50 pm.

B. There are two parts in terms of science subject. This means that Part-I Physics, Part-II Biological Science. They will be held from 9.30 am to 11.00 am in two different days.

2650 exam center

A total of 5,09,403 students (boys: 2,58,895, girls: 2,508) were nominated from 11,547 schools this year. A total of 2650 chief superintendents, 2650 departmental officers and 28,100 infertors have been appointed in a total of 2650 examination centers.

Hall tickets have already been sent to schools through the concerned district education officers concerned in the state. Candidates can get their hall tickets from the concerned school principal. Or can be downloaded from the hall ticket website and can participate in the exam.

The 24/7 Control Room has been established to resolve any complaint in all district educational offices in the Telangana Government Examination Director Office (Phone Number: 040-23230942). Arrangements have been made at all test centers to conduct the examinations smoothly. Candidates are allowed till 09.35 am in the examination center (ie 5 minutes ex -gratia period). In view of the weather and traffic conditions, candidates should be arranged to reach the examination center.

144 sections at test centers

Candidates should visit the examination center at least one or two days before the test starts. In this way, the day of the examination reached the examination center on time. Telangana Hyderabad directors and senior officials have been appointed as district -level observers to take the examination smoothly. Adequate police settlement was established in all examination centers. Section 144 will be applicable in the centers during the examination.

Zerox centers are closed during the examination in the area around the examination centers. 144 flying and squad teams will be established to curb exams. The relevant squads have also been established in troubled centers of the concerned District Education Authorities. CCTV cameras have been installed in the Chief Superintendent of each examination center to conduct the examinations smoothly.

Electronic gadget prohibition

  • Mobile phones and electronic gadgets have been banned at the examination center.
  • Prohibition of taking cell phones at examination centers and staff examination centers examination centers
  • Employees participating in duty should wear photo identity cards. Outsiders are not allowed at the examination center.
  • Candidates are allowed to take the following items to the Test Hall.

One. Hall ticket

B. Test pad

C. Penn, Pencil, Scale, Sharpener, Eraser, Gomatric device

  • The OMR details of the candidates should be confirmed in advance.
  • As soon as the questionnaire is given, students should write their hall ticket number on each page of Part-A in the questionnaire.
  • The candidate should not write his hall ticket number or name on the Ansar Booklet. Do not write their signature or answer book, Part-B (bit paper), graph, any part of the map.
  • Candidates should write a booklet serial number in OMR sheet on box, part-B (bit paper), graph and map.
  • If someone is found to be copied/mass copy during the test, they will argue with them. Permission will not be given for further examination.
  • Telangana public exams if any test is included in duties
  • Proper measures are taken under the provisions of the law.
  • The relevant District Education Officer, Tehsildar and Zonal Education Officer should display the phone number at the examination center.

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