Tirupati Crime: Vigilance of teachers towards students.

Tirupati Crime: Vigilance of teachers towards students.

A teacher has been stopped at a school in Narayan Mandal in Tirupati district. According to police details, T. Venkataramana is working as a teacher in a village in Narayan Mandal. The primary school teacher in Samepa village went for a professional punishment. School Education Officer (Meo) went to school to perform duties on deputation of school.

Rude behavior ..

Teacher Venkataraman worked with four students during the lunch break on Tuesday afternoon. After school in the evening, young girls going home went home .. The teacher told his parents. On Wednesday, the children’s children went to school and organized a teacher Venkataraman. The teacher gave his questions which were invincible. The villagers who were angry. He ran away from them and ran away.

Complaint to the police.

Girls and villagers went to Narayan police station and complained. The police receiving the complaint filed a case against the teacher under the Poxo Act. Narayan C Rajasekhar said that the matter will be investigated. Deputy Davo Prabhakar Raju sent a report to the teacher to the DEO. Girls and villagers demand that the teacher should take strict action.

Prakasam District ..

The incident of a teacher who has sexually assaulted girls has come to light in Prakasham district. A case against the teacher has been suspended. The incident took place in a primary school in a village in Maddipadu division in the district. Ravikumar, a teacher in Kurichhedu Mandalam Kattamaripal, has been working in a village in Maddipadu division since 2017.

sexual harassment ..

District Collector Tamim Ansaria is mourning sexual harassment and obscene allegations against girls. The sexual harassment and rude administration of teachers on girls has proved to be. Davo Kiran Kumar has issued an order suspending teacher Ravi Kumar. The evidence was presented at Maddipadu police station. A case of poxo was filed against the teacher. SI B. Sivaramaiah replied that the Poxo case has been filed and is buying an investigation.

(Reporting- Jagdiswara Rao Jarajapu, Hindustan Times Telugu)

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