Trains cancelled: Ticket booking or cancellation of many trains today, return journeys stopped..

Trains cancelled: Ticket booking or cancellation of many trains today, return journeys stopped..

Trains cancelled: Many special trains were canceled at the last minute due to a pre-planning error of South Central Railway. While people are struggling to go to their homes from Hyderabad, trains announced from many parts of AP towards Hyderabad were canceled due to lack of booking.

Due to decline in passenger traffic from Andhra Pradesh towards Telangana and lack of advance ticket booking, South Central Railways has announced cancellation of trains on several routes. Solapur-Tirupati (01437) on 16, Tirupati-Solapur (01438) on 17, Guntur-Kollam (07181) on 18 and Kollam-Guntur (07182) on 20 have been cancelled.

Among the canceled trains, Kakinada Town-Charlapalli (No. 07032) was canceled on January 13. On the return journey, train 07031 leaving Charlapalli on 14th was also cancelled.

07122 Machilipatnam-Tirupati train announced on 13th has also been cancelled. Train number 01437 Solapur-Tirupati train announced on 16th has also been cancelled.

Train 01438 Tirupati-Solapur, announced on 17th, has also been cancelled. Special train Train No. 07181 Guntur-Kollam train announced on 18th has been cancelled. Kollam-Guntur (07182) train has also been canceled on the return journey. At the same time, after the festival on 13th, 14th and 15th, there will be a huge crowd to travel towards Hyderabad.

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