TV Serial: Worship of heroines in serial

TV Serial: Worship of heroines in serial

The ‘Meghsandesham’ serial on Zee Telugu TV channel has become very popular. The channel is currently running the most TRP. The serial is going on with Triangle love story and families. There is also more likely to be a fan of Meghsandeshm serial. In this serial, the characters of Gagan, the heroines of the serial worshiped some of the land sales. it is a matter ..

This happened

On the occasion of Valentine’s Day with the heroines of serials on the channel, G Telugu TV channel recently organized a program in Quranul. Bhumika Ramesh, who plays the role of a land in the Meghsandam serial, participated in the event.

When Meghsandam’s lead actress was at the venue, the anchor announced that some of her fans would come. Meanwhile, some women took saris and came on stage. Gagan said that the land was worshiped by the mother to escape the land. A woman told Prithvi, “We will worship Ammavars in Kurnool and bring a sari to Kurnool.” Granted by saree.

Land of tear

Meghsandeshum Bhumi (Bhumika Ramesh) became emotional as he was being worshiped with love and was brought to a sari. tears. Sitting on his knees and congratulated the audience.

The video is roaming on social media, whether it is worshiping characters in the serial. Some are surprised by this.

Event broadcast soon

The Meghsandeshm program was recently held in Quranul. Zee Telugu promo has broadcast the event soon. The telecast date has not been revealed yet. It is possible to send within the week. Chief actors of various holders participated in the event.

Gagan, distance between earth

Gagan (Abhinav Vishwanathan) and Bhumi (Bhumika Ramesh) love each other in the cloud message serial. Earlier, Gagan went to his house because he knew the truth that Sharat Chandra was his father. Sharat Chandra and Gagan are fighting. Sarath Chandra says that if he says that he loves Gagan to not come home again with the earth. He is adopting the truth that Earth is his own daughter.

Gagan comes to Sharat Chandra’s house to take the land. However, Prithvi says that Gagan does not love her father or does not love it. He speaks to break the mind. This caused the distance between Gagan and Earth. Gagan does not listen to the ground after trying to make them happy. This causes the earth to suffer. Nana Pantian has now come to Gagan and his land because his PA has now come. The main villain remains a conspiracy. This cloud series is going on.

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