Vemulwara tradition: Strange rituals in Vemulawara …

Vemulwara tradition: Strange rituals in Vemulawara …

Vemulwara tradition: It is a pleasure to catch Shiva Kalyan Mahotsavas every year after Mahashivarti in Vemulvad. Shiva Kalyan Mahaotsav, starting from the 16th of this month, will continue till 20. Shri Parvati Rajarajeshwar Swamy kept the eyes of Divya Kalyanam in the Rajanna Treaty on Monday. Shivaprao, in other states, not only from the entire state.

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The days of Mahashivaratri Parvadi are held on the days of the rest of the state’s fields. In Vamulvad, Parvati Rajarajeshwar’s marriage is celebrated the next day after Mahashivarti Jatra after the marriage of Sarvavarvarbhrabh. Joginis, Hijras, and Lord Shiva Parvatas, known as Shivparvas for this Shiva welfare, reach Vamulvad and play with Lord Shiva.

Kalyanam with Lord Shiva.

Shivparvas married Lord Shiva during the welfare of Shri Parvati Rajarajeshwaraswamy. Large -skel Shivapravas is considered a trident without the age of a woman in front of the welfare platform, and Rudraksha is considered as the husband of Malne, who is considered the trident of the trident, and is considered to be Rudraksha in the neck of Rudraksha.

At home, people who are not at home, for the first time, turn to Jangmaiya and become Shiva’s welfare strand. The ritual continued in Vemulawara for years.

Shivapvas, who participated in Shivakyanottasavam, participates in Sitaramulu Kalyan on the day of Srirama Navami. That day, Sitaramulu marriage is taking place in Rajanna Sanni. It is believed that their marriage is wearing Rudraksha in the neck with Lord Shiva and wearing an ax and kalabras.

The arrival of thousands of Shiva Parvas is a bit embarrassing for the welfare of Sitaramulu. After Mahashivaratri, Shiva Kalyan Mahotsavas is being organized before Srimanavami. However, Shivapvas continues to participate in this Shiva Kalyan, who is some of the people of Srirama Navami and participate in the festival.

(Reporting Cawedi, United Karimnagar District)

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