Viskha Mahakumbe Trains: Special trains from Viskha to Maha Kumbh Mela, East Coast Railway statement

Viskha Mahakumbe Trains: Special trains from Viskha to Maha Kumbh Mela, East Coast Railway statement

Visakha Mahakumbe Trains: East Coast Railway has provided special trains for Maha Kumbh Mela. Visakhapatnam- Gorakhpur-Visakhapatnam Mahakumba Mela has decided to run special trains. In view of the traffic crowd, the East Coast Railway will run special trains for Maha Kumbh Mela.

Special trains for Maha Kumbh Mela

Train number 08588 Visakhapatnam- Gorakhpur Special Express will leave from Visakhapatnam at 10:20 pm on 4 February (Tuesday). The train will reach Gorakhpur at 7.30 pm on 6 February (Thursday).

Train number 08587 Gorakhpur-Visakhapatnam Special Express will leave from Gorakhpur on Friday 7 (Friday) at 5.45 pm. The train will reach Visakhapatnam at 3.55 pm on 9 February (Sunday).

These two special trains are Visakhapatnam- Gorakhpur Central Vijayanagaram, Srikakulam Road, Palasa, Brahmapur, Chhatpur, Bailaga, Khurda Road, Bhubaneswar, Naraj Martapur, Denkal. Angul, Binda, Rairakol, Sambalpur City, Jharsuguda Road, Raigad, Champa, Bilaspur, Pendra Road, Anuppur, Shadol, Umaria, Katni, Mahir, Satna, Manikpur, Mirajpur, Mirajpur Stop.

These special trains include second AC Coach -4, Third AC Economy Coach -3, Sleeper Class Coach -8, General Second Class Saiting Coach -4, Second Class Low Luggage/ Disabled Coach -1 and Generator Motor Car -1. The East Coast Railways requests people to use this special train services.

Low end of vehicles

Indian Railways said that four trains are being reduced due to technical reasons.

1. From 1 February to 28 February, Visakhapatnam’s departure will stop in Visakhapatnam-Paravatipuram passenger train in Vijayanagaram.

2. From 1 February to 28 February, train number 67288 Parvatipuram-Visakhapatnam passenger train departs from Parvatipuram for Vijayanagaram.

3. From 1 February to 28 February, Visakhapatnam’s departure will stop on Srikakulam Road.

4. From February 1, Senior Divisional Manager of Walthr Division. Sandeep said that people should look at changes and work accordingly.

Reporting: Jagdiswara Rao Jarajapu, Hindustan Times Telugu

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