Warangal MGM: Oxygen Cylinder at Warangal MGM – missing risk …!

Warangal MGM: Oxygen Cylinder at Warangal MGM – missing risk …!

The oxygen cylinder was bursting in Warangal MGM Hospital ward .. A sweeper was injured. He is being admitted to the hospital’s casualty ward. The complete details of the incident are as follows …

Each bed has been set up to provide oxygen to patients in the ortho ward of MGM Hospital. A sweeper, who was working in a hospital on Friday evening, needs an oxygen cylinder. Meanwhile, the clip on the cylinder was suddenly burst and exploded. She was injured when she was burnt in an iron cold. With loud noise, it was sudden all the time. Other employees responded and brought Cauldron out. He was then admitted to MGM Casualty Ward.

Default risk

The patients come from Khammam, Karimnagar, Adilabad, Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra, as well as with the joint district of Warangal MGM Hospital. In Warangal MGM, three to four thousand people are receiving patients for OP services. This is the reason that the hospital is always in the entire crowd. While more than a hundred people are coming to the orthopedic department .. The cylinder has created a stir in the ward.

In fact, the work of bringing the cylinder has to be done ward boys. But the employees say that the cylinder explodes to work for the sweeper in the ward. While there were some more cylinders next to it, MGM staff said that if they are leaked, there would be a major accident. Meanwhile, most of the oxygen cylinders in the hospital have come to repair. His oxygen leaked and explosive incidents of oxygen were leaked. Employees and patients want the hospital owner to take appropriate action to prevent such incidents.

(Reporting: Hindustan Times Telugu and United Warangal District Representative).

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