The Kwando River forms the boundary between which two African countries?

The Kwando River forms the boundary between which two African countries? – Answer the following The Kwando River forms the boundary between which two African countries? Correctly and Stand a chance to win Amazing Prizes Every Day.

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The Kwando River forms the boundary between which two African countries?

Answer – Angola and Zambia – The Kwando River (also spelled Cuando) rises in the mountains of central Angola and flows southeast for about 457 miles before it reaches the Linyanti Marshes of northern Botswana, rising again as the Chobe River. The Kwando forms 140 miles of the boundary between the nations of Angola and Zambia. It passes through the Caprivi Strip, a narrow extension of Namibia that extends about 280 miles from the main corner of the country. In May, the river floods the region to fill the Linyanti Marshes and Liambezi Lake.:


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