What are the two permanent rivers that run through the Sahara?

What are the two permanent rivers that run through the Sahara? – Answer the following What are the two permanent rivers that run through the Sahara? Correctly and Stand a chance to win Amazing Prizes Every Day.

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What are the two permanent rivers that run through the Sahara?

Answer – Nile and Niger – The vast Sahara covers 3.6 million miles, making it the largest hot desert on Earth. (Did you know? Antarctica and the Arctic are also considered deserts, which are barren areas with little precipitation, but they’re cold deserts.) That makes the Sahara almost as big as the entire United States — in fact, it spans 11 African countries. Although there’s little water throughout the desert, the Sahara is home to two permanent rivers, the Nile and the Niger. The Nile is considered the longest river in the world, flowing northward through East Africa into the Mediterranean, while the Niger is the principal river of West Africa. Incidentally, “Sahara” comes from the Arabic ṣaḥrāʾ, which means “desert” — so saying “Sahara desert” is essentially saying “desert desert.”:


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