Where is this human-made canyon that was created accidentally?

Where is this human-made canyon that was created accidentally? – Answer the following Where is this human-made canyon that was created accidentally? Correctly and Stand a chance to win Amazing Prizes Every Day.

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Where is this human-made canyon that was created accidentally?

Answer – Georgia – The Grand Canyon in Arizona and other notable canyons around the world were slowly carved by water and wind over the course of thousands of years. But Georgia’s “Little Grand Canyon” came about much more quickly. In the 1800s, poor agricultural practices led to the erosion of topsoil and clay, creating gullies four feet deep within 20 years. The canyon near the Georgia-Alabama border continues to grow each year, and today it is about 150 feet deep and 350 feet wide. Its official name is Providence Canyon, named for Providence Methodist Church, which the canyon swallowed in the 1800s.:


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