Where on the body would you find the ulnar nerve?

Where on the body would you find the ulnar nerve? – Answer the following Where on the body would you find the ulnar nerve? Correctly and Stand a chance to win Amazing Prizes Every Day.

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Where on the body would you find the ulnar nerve?

Answer – Funny bone – Turns out, your funny bone isn’t a bone at all ā€” it’s a nerve. (It’s also not very funny when you hit it, but you knew that already.) Nerves are essentially a bundle of fibers that transmit sensations and feelings to the brain or spine, and they’re significantly more sensitive than bones. The ulnar nerve stretches all the way from the neck to the hand, providing nerve endings to parts of your arm, as well as your pinky and ring fingers. Most nerves are protected by layers of muscle, ligaments, and bone, but around the elbow, your ulnar nerve passes through an area called the cubital tunnel that strips away those layers. When you hit your “funny bone,” the ulnar nerve actually compresses against the bone it’s next to, creating that shocking, tingly, numb, painful feeling all the way up and down your arm and into your fingers.:


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