Which country consumes the most whiskey overall?

Which country consumes the most whiskey overall? – Answer the following Which country consumes the most whiskey overall? Correctly and Stand a chance to win Amazing Prizes Every Day.

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Which country consumes the most whiskey overall?

Answer – India – Although Scotland has produced the most whiskey of any country for more than a century, the Scots don’t drink more of it than any other country. That title goes to India. (To be fair, India is home to more than 1.3 billion people, compared to Scotland’s 5.5 million. Even considering that around 85 percent of India’s population doesn’t drink, the Scots would still have to drink a lot more whiskey to keep up.) India consumes over a billion liters of whiskey each year, more than half the total volume produced worldwide. Comparatively, Britain as a whole drank only 77 million liters, while the U.S. total consumption was 462 million liters. Surprisingly, on a per-capita basis, the top whiskey-drinking nation is France, with 2.15 liters per person.:


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