Farsi is the official national language of which country?

Farsi is the official national language of which country? – Answer the following Farsi is the official national language of which country? Correctly and Stand a chance to win Amazing Prizes Every Day.

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Farsi is the official national language of which country?

Answer – Iran – Farsi, also known as Persian, is the official national language of Iran. The dialect originated in the Fars region of southern Persia, and it was spoken by many of Persia’s conquering emperors, including Darius the Great. When the Arabs conquered Persia, Persian was written in Arabic script. This made it easier for others to comprehend, and the language played a vital role in spreading the Islamic faith across Asia. Many brilliant Muslim poets, writers, and calligraphers wrote in Persian, such as Rumi, whose lyricism and Persian mysticism had a huge influence on early Islamic literature. Today, Farsi is spoken by millions of people — not only in Iran, but also in neighboring Tajikistan and Afghanistan.:


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