Mount Erebus is the most active volcano on what continent?

Mount Erebus is the most active volcano on what continent? – Answer the following Mount Erebus is the most active volcano on what continent? Correctly and Stand a chance to win Amazing Prizes Every Day.

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Mount Erebus is the most active volcano on what continent?

Answer – Antarctica – Mount Erebus is the second-highest volcano in Antarctica, but it is the most active, erupting regularly for nearly every year on record. The stratovolcano is the southernmost active volcano on Earth and is found on the icy continent’s Ross Island, which is also home to three inactive volcanoes. At the center of Mount Erebus’s inner crater, the volcano is home to a lava lake that has been present since at least the 1970s. Since its initial discovery in 1841, very few visits have actually been made to investigate the remote mountain, but it is under regular observation from satellites the world over, who have been tracking its near-constant eruptions for the past 35 years.:


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