Chiranjeevi: National criticism of Chiranjeevi’s ‘heritage’ comments ..

Chiranjeevi: National criticism of Chiranjeevi’s ‘heritage’ comments ..

Megastar Chiranjeevi Brahma Anand was the chief guest at the Cinema Pre-Religion Event. Comedy Brahminandam and his son Raja Gautam will be released on 14 February. Chiranjeevi spoke at the film’s pre-mixing event. However, some of his comments are becoming controversial in this incident. it is a matter ..


Ramcharan’s daughter Clinkara photo was shown to Chiranjeevi at the event. Chiru has a picture of another grandson on the screen. Chiranjeevi replied. Chiranjeevi said that whenever he was at home, he would not be with the granddaughter and in the hostel of women.

Chiranjeevi said that there was not a single male child nearby. He said that he had advised Ramcharan to find his heritage. “Charan is a boy this time Kanra .. Our heritage is desire. This girl means very kissing. It is my fear that he will see another girl again, ”said Chiranjeevi. Chiranjeevi also has two girls among two daughters. Son is the daughter of Ramcharan. Overall, Chiru currently has five granddaughter.

Deteriorating criticism

Chiranjeevi’s comment that Ramcharan had told Ramcharan that he was looking for a boy for heritage. Another child is criticized for fear of having a child. Many people have criticized that it is not right to say that the heirs of the man are descendants of men.

Chiranjeevi’s comments have been criticized at the national level. The focus on these comments has also increased in some national media outlets. Many people have criticized comments. Chiranjeevi feels that he has made the comments fun .. The response is serious. There is a lot of mischief about Chiru’s claim that girls are not descendants, especially descendants. And if this struggle is extinguished. It is also interesting whether Chiranjeevi will give any explanation.

Our grandfather is a passion.

Chiranjeevi also said some things about her grandfather in a single program. Chiru claimed that his grandfather Radhakrishna Naidu had two wives and had a relationship with another woman. He said that he was a loser. Chiranjeevi explained that he had told him that he should not come to Buddha. There is also dissatisfaction on this. Similarly, Brahmanandam reacts to the same incident that the mouth of the mouth is also used in the same event. Trolling is also going on.

Chiranjeevi also made it clear in the same incident that he would not come into politics again in life. He said that Pawan Kalyan, his younger brother and head of Janasena, had to fulfill his goals. In addition, Chiru is also praised for Brahminand.

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